Our goal was to deliver to the FA 'gold standard' simulation models that could be demonstrably validated against the event conditions. We carried out a significant site-wide data collection exercise. The data collected included 8,000 hours of crowd footage across 11 events at 40 locations around the external podium and wider Wembley Park estate, in co-operation with Quintain, the owner and operator of Wembley Park. The footage was analysed and distilled to provide accurate input data to underpin the crowd modelling. This data also allowed us to validate the outputs of the models.
Using this data, Legion microsimulations were created to model spectators from transport nodes to vomitories (A vomitorium is a passage situated below or behind a tier of seats in a stadium, through which crowds can exit rapidly at the end of an event) during ingress, and seat to transport nodes on egress.
These models included accurate representations of the well established crowd management techniques such as the famous ‘stop-and-go’ system. These base models were created to ensure that they could be easily adaptable to model evacuation scenarios, other alternative events or design changes that would occur within the stadium or around the park.

These models have been used as vital operational planning tools for the delayed 2020 UEFA European Football Championship where additional spectator security and ticketing processes were required.
The outputs and metrics from our analysis allowed queue sizes and delays to be clearly communicated to key stakeholders.
A similar process has been adopted to understand the impacts of construction phasing in Wembley Park on crowd movement around the stadium.
Movement Strategies continue to provide on-going crowd movement consultancy to The FA. Our models are frequently used in the control room to allow match-day operators to compare modelled results against the actual outcomes. This has become a valued tool to monitor both ingress and egress and for decision making to ensure that a safe and enjoyable customer experience can be delivered site wide. The data collected has also been used for academic purposes to understand how densities and flow rates change by event type and audience demographics.
You can read the research paper here
Tom Legg, The FA’s Head of Transport and External Operations for Wembley Stadium, said:
"Being able to draw on the industry leading experience and knowledge of Movement Strategies has been invaluable in the development and execution of safe and efficient crowd management operating plans. The area around Wembley Stadium is going through a transformational period in its history, creating an increasingly confined and complex operating environment. The delivery of events with up to 90,000 spectators would not be possible without the foresight and guidance provided by Movement Strategies, enabling the stadium to maximise the use of both internal and external space. The agility with which Movement Strategies tailor their advice has allowed Wembley to successfully attract and deliver a variety of world-class sporting and entertainment events, and enhance the stadium’s world-renowned reputation.’'