
Movement Insights as the industry solution to measure recovery on the High Street and in retail spaces

Movement Insights as the industry solution to measure recovery on the High Street and in retail spaces.

Our High Streets and spaces are clearly facing unprecedented challenges due to the impact of Covid-19. While there are a broad range of views on what the world will look like post-lockdown, there is consensus on the need for data to inform decisions about how to open-up city centres and how best to direct the necessary reinvestment and measure the results.

Movement Insights brings together the most detailed visitor and spend analysis available in the UK and has been recognised by industry experts such as the Association of Town and City Management (ATCM) as “the new industry standard”.

We are engaging with both national government through Ministry for Housing Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) as well as with towns and cities around the country to support the recovery.

“The introduction of Movement Strategies to the industry is transformative, with relevant and reliable data at a scale that is not replicated anywhere else. It is uniquely powerful to help cities understand what is going on and what can be done to improve performance."

Get in touch to see how we can support you at anuttall@movementstrategies.com