
Movement Strategies are delighted to have been selected by Ferrovial, Sheffield City Council and Amey to take part in ‘Sheffield Smart Lab’. Sheffield Smart Lab is a tremendous opportunity for the private sector to demonstrate how pioneering work can support the strengthening of our cities and promote Sheffield as a city of innovation.

Our proposal entitled GAPS (Gather, Analyse, Play & Strengthen) will use the power of big data analytics to visualise patterns and trends in crowd movement throughout Sheffield City centre. Through this project, we aim to create a platform and dashboard that can help local authorities rapidly understand how a city’s public spaces are being used. This information will be invaluable to help inform the planning and operational decisions being made by the City Council and other stakeholders.

In addition, our holistic and innovative approach recognises Sheffield City Centre’s diversity of current uses, strengths, weaknesses and aspirations. Our platform will make this diversity more legible, providing valuable insights that will support initiatives to re-energise Sheffield’s city centre.

During the incubator programme, we look forward to working with the various stakeholders to shape our solution to reflect Sheffield’s needs.

For more info on Sheffield Smart Lab or our GAPS approach to Smart Cities,  contact info@movementstrategies.com