Our approach included the development of egress profiles,collated from our studies for other similar major events. We also developed a set of assumptions for the pattern of spectator movement when leaving the stadium and they were validated by the Client. Our proprietary dynamic simulation model, SENSE™ was used to run different scenarios for the client,testing the capacity of the infrastructure at a strategic level.
The Client adopted our recommendations and all stakeholders (including spectators!) were satisfied with the event management plan; the Client acknowledged that having a quantitative study was instrumental in achieving this successful outcome.
"Nous avons sollicité Movement Strategies pour nous aider à améliorer les flux d’entrée etde sortie du public sur l’Allianz Riviera lors des concerts, alors que le stade est dans une configuration et avec un public sensiblement différents de d’habitude lors des matchs.
Leur méthode de modélisation, leur expérience en la matière et leur écoute ont été remarquables, et ont permis sur la base de l’étude rendue de déterminer un schéma global d’accessibilité avec les pouvoirs publics, qui a fait ses preuves dès le concert suivant."
Patrick Florence, Directeur Général Allianz Riviera
English translation :
"We have engaged Movement Strategies to help us improve the public flow on arrival and departure at the Allianz Riviera Stadium during concerts where both the stadium and the public have different configuration from the usual football games.
Their modelling method, experience on the field and ability to listen have been remarkable and enabled - on the base of their study– to agree a global accessibility scheme with the public bodies that proved tobe efficient from the first event onwards."
Patrick Florence, Directeur Général Allianz Riviera