
Movement Strategies was engaged by the City of Sydney to undertake a review of the Integrated Crowd Management Plan (ICMP) for Sydney New Year’s Eve 2018.

New Year’s Eve in Sydney is a hallmark event which is reported to attract up to 1 million visitors to the City, many of whom attend viewing points distributed around Sydney Harbour.

The aim of the ICMP review was to draw on knowledge and experience from outside Australia, and to develop recommendations for improvements by benchmarking the crowd management planning approaches and activities against best practice from major events across the globe. Movement Strategies developed a framework for assessing the various aspects of crowd planning, including strategic planning, operational planning, operational delivery and attendee experience, and populated this framework through a series of stakeholder interviews and review of data and documentation. The framework was also populated with equivalent information for events in the UK, US and Denmark who had agreed to contribute to the study.

The outcome of the study was a series of recommendations attributed to the agencies involved in the planning and delivery of the Sydney event, a number of which will be adopted for the 2019 event. The benchmarking framework supplied has been configured in such a way that it can be expanded to include other events in the future, providing the City of Sydney with a basis for continued learning from event colleagues around the world.