Movement Strategies is delighted to announce Dr Michael Kinsey is joining the team on 27th October.
Dr Michael Kinsey is joining Movement Strategies after 10 years at Arup. He has taken up a role as an Executive Advisor working within the Movement Consulting team.
During his time at Arup, he was a senior fire engineer and the global lead for the human behaviour in fire and evacuation modelling skills team. He has worked in both the UK and China where he has been involved in a variety of commercial projects for residential, office, airport, rail, stadium, and rolling stock.
He has been involved in a range internal/external research projects including: exploring cognitive biases in engineering and associated mitigation measures, determining the number of repeat simulation runs in evacuation modelling, defining guidance for evacuation model debugging, developing a fire code chatbot, helping coordinate artificial intelligence projects, developing a fire engineering rolling stock workbench, and coordinating external research exploring evacuation dynamics for stadium, care homes, and museums.
He completed his PhD and postdoctoral research at the Fire Safety Engineering Group (FSEG) at the University of Greenwich, UK. This research addressed modelling evacuation from high-rise buildings (using lifts) and underground stations (using escalators). He is an active writer of scientific conference/journal papers associated with evacuation modelling and human behaviour in fire, is on the SFPE Human Behaviour task group, is a co-author of the 2nd Edition of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers Guide to Human Behaviour, and is on the ISO TC92/SC4/WG4 developing international protocols for evacuation model verification/validation.