Simon Ancliffe has joined the committee of the new Protecting People In Crowded Places Special Interest Group, set up by The Security Institute and The UK Crowd Management Association.
An extract from an SGC Security Services article: Protecting People in Crowded Places Special Interest Group launched - SGC Security Services
By SGC Security Services, 3rd March 2022
THE SECURITY Institute and the UK Crowd Management Association (UKCMA) have announced the launch of a new Protecting People in Crowded Places Special Interest Group in tandem with forming a dedicated committee of industry professionals who will drive its work going forward.
This is a pivotal time for those with the responsibility of protecting crowded places such as parks, sports stadiums, the High Street or transport hubs. There’s now a growing realisation that, in order to properly safeguard such places, a blend of knowledge and skills in the realms of safety, security, service and leadership is the dominating requirement.
The Protecting People in Crowded Places Special Interest Group has a vital role to play in pulling together research, knowledge and experience in addressing safety and security as an integrated concept for crowded places. Collaboration between sector professionals will ensure that the collective security voice is heard, and that those professionals can influence policymakers and central Government alike about the key issues relating to this area of security provision.