
Movement Strategies are pleased to announce their recent appointment as part of the design team led by BDP to masterplan the redevelopment of Manchester Airport’s Ground Transport Interchange (GTI).

Our team will facilitate the development of an optimised layout plan for the GTI building, which responds to the needs of existing and future users of the multi-modal transport hub.

We will capture existing demand volumes and patterns and from that develop demand forecasts and undertake capacity assessments for all elements of the GTI, including a new entrance to Airport City. Our work will focus on the vertical circulation elements, to improve passenger flow and safety, whilst also addressing the poor ticketing facilities.

We will develop simulation models of the existing and proposed layouts to inform the spatial planning of the building, focusing on both capacity and passenger experience, as well as unlocking the commercial opportunities highlighted by the Masterplanning team.

The project has commenced and will be completed in a 4-month period.